THE 24th MR. PHIPPS (2023) is a feature film about Holden, a young man, who arrives at ‘’The Black Dog Ashram” in his search to expand the consciousness, to take a trip with a very exlusive substance available only for the very few…..

HOTEP -KNOW THY SELF (2022) is a non-linear audio-visual experience. The story ‘s main character is a young woman named Rosella who wanders in worlds of the unconscious towards very powerful revelations/awakenings that seem to be a true mystery. The film is inspired by the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.

DIMENSION N: AMIGOS PARA SEMPRE / FOREVER FRIENDS (2021) is a story about Anabela, who delves into the twilight zone of the unconscious realms to encounter some deep shadows.
Cine Art Team CDM Productions is an artist /filmmaking community that promotes creativity, intuition and authenticity in filmmaking and artistic creation.
It is a group of artists making films that invites other artists to participate and enjoy making feature films, short films and fine art paintings.
Our core group in alphabetical order is;
Susana Concalo
Steve Remigio Delgado
Jaakko Ojanne
Antti Salo
Petri Salo
Axel Sutinen

THE 24th MR. PHIPPS (2023) is a feature film about Holden, a young man, who arrives at ‘’The Black Dog Ashram” in his search to expand the consciousness, to take a trip with a very exlusive substance available only for the very few…..

HOTEP -KNOW THY SELF (2022) is a non-linear audio-visual experience. The story ‘s main character is a young woman named Rosella who wanders in worlds of the unconscious towards very powerful revelations/awakenings that seem to be a true mystery. The film is inspired by the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Cine Art Team CDM Productions is an artist /filmmaking community that promotes creativity, intuition and authenticity in filmmaking and artistic creation.
It is a group of artists making films that invites other artists to participate and enjoy making feature films, short films and fine art paintings.
Our core group in alphabetical order is;
Susana Concalo
Steve Remigio Delgado
Jaakko Ojanne
Antti Salo
Petri Salo
Axel Sutinen

DIMENSION N: AMIGOS PARA SEMPRE / FOREVER FRIENDS (2021) is a story about Anabela, who delves into the twilight zone of the unconscious realms to encounter some deep shadows.
Inbetween the elements-Water
2011, Tempera on wood 17.5×28 cm
The Veil
2014, Ink & gouache on fabriano paper 35.5 x 25 cm
AXEL SUTINEN: Creating art is attempting to uncover the channel between the visible and the invisible. Living and experiencing in the material and the immaterial reality, day and night, in thought and in dreams is the ground base from which we can be creative.
The many directions of creativity are connected above all the many forms of techniques and formal appearances revealing the energies that can nourish our souls.
PETRI SALO: Art and creativity is what gives me sanity. Intuitive searching the realms of the unknown is diving into a deeper understanding of what we call life. It gives wonderful insights as one goes with conscious decisions in daily life.
Art and cinema history, mystical and occult knowledge is dear to my heart. Art for me, is a never ending adventure that each time reveals more and more treasures.